1 June is one of the most popular days in our countries. All kids love this day. They know that all people celebrate children. Different countries celebrate Children’s Day on different days. In post-communist countries it’s 1 June. Western countries prefer the Universal Children’s Day in November. The idea, not date is important. In western countries politicians speak about children’s rights on this day. How about our countries? YOU can answer best. Choose from the answers and speak about how you celebrate.

  • There are special TV programmes.
  • Families go out or do some activities together and kids get presents.
  • There are maths tests at schools.
  • There are no classes on this day.
  • Kids can’t eat sweets on this day.
  • There are special school activities or trips.
  • There are festivities in parks or shopping centres.


Get ready for the International Children’s Day

Are you ready to celebrate your holiday? What do you usually do and eat? Here’s a tip for you. Prepare your own owl sandwiches for your party. You’ll need bread, butter, and ham for the owl’s body, cheese or cucumber slices for the wings, and a sliced carrot for the beak. Hard-boiled eggs, olives, or blueberries will make great owl’s eyes. Any other tips what other food you could use?

Jana Chrtianska