February is the month when Americans celebrate their presidents. Several American presidents were born in February.

The third Monday in February

This holiday originally celebrated the birth of George Washington, the first US president. Now it celebrates all US presidents past and present. It is a patriotic1 holiday. Kids learn about the presidents at school before this day. Some schools and state employees2 have a day off but for most people it’s just a regular3 Monday.

Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday

February 12

Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin4 in Kentucky in 1809. Abraham Lincoln studied mostly at home, but he later became a lawyer6 and a politician. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States. Abraham Lincoln was President during the Civil War when he abolished slavery5. Abraham Lincoln was killed in a theatre in 1865.

George Washington’s Birthday

February 22

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Virginia. He fought in the Revolutionary War7 against Britain. Washington D.C., the capital city of the USA, was named after Washington. The Washington Monument also honours8 him.

Answer the questions.

When is Presidents‘ Day celebrated?

  1. Who do children learn about on this day?
  2. Who has a day off?
  3. Who is celebrated on February 12th?
  4. Where and when was he born?
  5. What was his job?
  6. How did he die?
  7. Whose birthday is celebrated on February 22nd?
  8. Where was he born?
  9. Who did he fight against?
  10. What was named after him?

Jana Chrtianska

Vocabulary: 1[patriˈotik] – vlastenecký; 2[steit emploiˈiːs] – štátni zamestnanci/ státní zaměstnanci; 3[ˈreɡjulə] – bežný/ obvyklý; 4[log ˈkabin] – zrub/ srub; 5[əˈbolišt ˈsleivəri] – zrušil otroctvo/ otroctví; 6[ˈloːjə] – právnik/ právník; 7[revəˈluːšənəri woː] – Americká vojna za nezávislosť (1775–1783)/ Americká válka za nezávislost, 8[ˈonəs] – oslavuje

Key: 1. on the third Monday in February, 2. about the presidents, 3. some schools and state employees, 4. Abraham Lincoln, 5. in Kentucky in 1809, 6. a lawyer, a politician, and the president, 7. he was killed in a theatre, 8. George Washington’s birthday, 9. in Virginia, 10. against Britain, 11. the capital city of the USA and the Washington Monument