“Red Nose Day is a campaign dedicated to raising money for children and young people living in poverty1 by simply having fun and making people laugh. The inaugural Red Nose Day was held in the US on May 21st, 2015. People across the country came together to have fun and raise funds and awareness2.” (www.rednoseday.org)
There are a lot of charitable causes3. People are encouraged to be kind to each other and to share. However, it’s not as easy as it seems… Or is it?

WORK IN PAIRS: One of you read what Adam (A) says about supporting charities; the other one should read Brian’s (B) ideas. Answer the questions below. Then compare the answers and discuss the differences.

• What are the boys’ reasons for supporting (not supporting) charities?
• Do you agree with the boys’ opinion? Explain.
• What are your reasons for helping (not helping) other people?
• Number the following charitable causes. Number 1 is the most important issue in your opinion:
a) ……… Animal shelters
b) ……… Cancer research
c) ……… African children
d) ……… Disabled people
e) ……… Rainforest protection
f) ……… Homeless people
g) ……… …………………………..(your own)

Miroslava Dubanová

Vocabulary: 1 bieda – bída; 2 povedomie – povědomí; 3 prípady, príčiny – případy, příčiny; 4 majetný; 5 vinný, previnilý – vinný, provinilý; 6 chamtivý; 7 podvody; 8 za každú cenu – za každou cenu; 9 dôvera – důvěra; 10 dobrovoľník – dobrovolník