Ferdinand Puentes was flying in a small plane when it crashed close to the Hawaiian Islands in 2013. He was lucky enough to be saved by his life vest. What did he do? He took a selfie.

This is just one of many examples of extreme selfies. It’s perfectly normal to take selfies or pictures of friends when you’re in a special place, having fun, or doing something cool. However, there are people who have gone too far. There are daredevils who risk everything to get a perfect selfie. They believe that such selfies posted on Instagram or Facebook will bring them likes and popularity. However, many people have died while taking their selfies.


What would you dare to do to get a cool selfie? Write a ✓ next to each activity you would do. If not, explain why.

__ climb a skyscraper

__ face a coming train

__ face a coming tsunami

__ take a selfie while driving a car

__ take a selfie with an angry bull

__ take a bathroom selfie

Most people will run away when they meet a bear in the woods or a shark in the sea. Most people will run away from an active volcano or a tornado. There are people who won’t. They’ll take a selfie first. That makes selfies more deadly than sharks.

Some people take their selfies safely but others fall off the skyscrapers, get attacked by wild animals, or get hit by cars or trains.

Remember that it’s much better to have selfies which are not so cool and bring them safe home than to risk your life.

By the way
There are places where selfies and selfie sticks are banned – Disneyland and Walt Disney World in the USA, the Colosseum in Rome, some safari parks, museums, and music festivals.

Did you know?
There’s a Museum of Selfies in Hollywood. It’s a perfect place to take perfect selfies. There’s even Mona Lisa taking a selfie!

Jana Chrtianska