3 March the day to go wild for wildlife

Our planet is home to millions of animals and plants. So far about 1.7 million have been discovered and named, but we don’t know about millions more! The planet is a real treasure that should be protected. March 3rd is a perfect day to celebrate our wonderful nature. It gives people food, drinks, medicine, building materials, and a place to relax.

What should we do to protect wild animals and plants?

Read the tips and write in the correct command. Example: Don’t buy endangered exotic pets! Recycle as much waste as you can!

X ……………. (buy) products made from endangered animals.

✓ ……………. (plant) only native plants and flowers.

X ……………. (release) exotic pets into the wild.

X ……………. (use) chemicals in your garden.

✓ ……………. (be) quiet in the woods.